STS Magic


Jupyter enables you to get started quickly on developing and running interactive queries thru spark thrift server using ppmagics. You can visualize your results as graphs and charts and share your reports.

Getting Started

Querying sts

Opening Notebook: Open Jupyter Notebook, click New --> Python3 kernel

Import ppextensions : Execute the code below to import ppmagics from ppextensions to your notebook

%load_ext ppextensions.ppmagics

Using Spark Thrift Sever magic

To see available options for sts Magic run %sts?:

 %sts [-c CLUSTER_NAME] [-h HOST] [-p PORT] [-a AUTH] [-tab TABLEAU]
           [-pub PUBLISH] [-tde TDE_NAME] [-pname PROJECT_NAME]
optional arguments:
  -c CLUSTER_NAME, --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Cluster Name to connect to
  -h HOST, --hive_server host
                        sts server host name or ip address.
  -p PORT, --port PORT  sts Server port

  -a AUTH, --auth AUTH  Authentication type

  -tab TABLEAU, --tableau TABLEAU
                        True to download tableau data
  -pub PUBLISH, --publish PUBLISH
                        Publish Data to Tableau Server
  -tde TDE_NAME, --tde_name TDE_NAME
                        tde Name to be published
  -pname PROJECT_NAME, --project_name PROJECT_NAME
                        project name to be published

Running sts query:

Establishing a sts server connection to read data from sts

%%sts -c <cluster_name>
<your sql code line1>

Update ~/.ppextensions/config.json with a named cluster including sts url, port number and auth to use -c if a persistent cluster configuration is desired.

    "cluster_name": {
            "host": <hostname>,
            "port": <port_number>,
            "auth": "plain/gssapi",
    "cluster_name_1": {
            "host": "<hostname">,
            "port": <port_number>,
            "auth": "plain/gssapi",

*Updated config will be available after restarting the kernel

Optionally, it is also possible to connect without a config

%%sts --host --port 10000 --auth gssapi
 <your one-line sql code>

On an established sts server connection further queries can be run as:

sts sql in one-line mode:

%sts <your one-line sql code>

sts sql in multi-line mode:

<your sql code line1>
<your sql code line2>
<your sql code lineN>

Publish to tableau

%sts --tableau True --publish True --tde_name <tde> --project_name <pname>
select * from database.table_name limit 10

**For tableau configuration refer to Publish Magic****