

A Jupyter extension to productionalize your notebooks by scheduling them to run in the background

(Method 1) Local Environment Setup

Pre Requisites

Configure Airflow

export AIRFLOW_HOME=<path to airflow_home>

Run airflow in command line, a airflow.cfg file will be generated in airflow home. Here is a list of parameters which needs to be changed.

dags_folder = <path to airflow home>/dags
executor = LocalExecutor
sql_alchemy_conn = mysql+mysqlconnector:://<user name>:<password>@<host>:<port>/airflow
dags_are_paused_at_creation = False (recommended)
load_examples = False (recommended)

Create a dags and a variables folder in airflow home to store the dag files and their related vairable files.

Setup MySQL Database

Create a database airflow in mysql. This serves as the metadata db for airflow.

Local Setup

Here are a few preparations to make scheduler extension work. The Pre-req steps can be skipped with those are already configured.

Export Path Variables

export AIRFLOW_METADATA_CONNECTION_STRING='mysql+mysqlconnector://<user name>:<password>@<host>:<port>/airflow'

Start Airflow Scheduler, Webserver

In this tutorial, we are using airflow LocalExecutor, hence airflow worker is not required. But if you are using some other executors like CeleryExecutor, then the airflow worker should also be started.

airflow initdb
airflow webserver
airflow scheduler 

By default, the log files will be generated in airflow_home, you can configure that as well. Refer to

Install Scheduler Extension

pip install ppextensions
jupyter nbextension install scheduler --user --py 
jupyter nbextension enable scheduler --user --py
jupyter serverextension enable scheduler --py --user 

Alternatively, if you want to install all extensions from ppextensions

cd PPExtensions
bash build/

This command will automatically install all github and scheduler extensions.

(Method 2) Use Docker

docker run --name=mysql circleci/mysql 
docker run --name=demo --link=mysql:db -i -t -e githubtoken=<your github token here> -e githubname=<github user> -e githubemail=<github email> -p 8080:8080 -p 8888:8888 qwjlegend/ppextensions

The default time zone in docker container in UTC, to make scheduler work correctly based on your timezone, you need to go inside docker container and setup the timezone accordingly.

Then go to localhost:8888/?token=<jupyter notebook token printed in the command line> to start using notebook with ppextensions.

Schedule Notebook

To schedule a notebook, first select a notebook, click on the schedule button appeared in the dynamic tool bar, a scheduler menu will pop up.

Currently scheduler extension provides the following configurable dag parameters:

Interval: Three different scales of frequency are provided: hourly, daily and weekly.

Start Time/Date: The start time/date can not be ealier than current time.

Number of Runs: The number of runs the job should be executed. For example, if a job is scheduled to at 12:00AM 11/11/2018 with an interval of 1 hour, and the number of runs is set to 5 times, then the job will be ended at 5:00 AM 11/11/2018.

Emails: To receive failure email and success email, check the box and input the email address in the input area.

To receive the email alert, the STMP server should be setup in the host machine and corresponding parameters in airflow.cfg [smtp] section need to be configured.

Click on Schedule button, the job will be displayed in Scheduled Jobs tab, from which you can see the Last Run Time, Last Run Time, Last Run Duration, Next Scheduled Run of each job scheduled. Notice, there will be some delay in the airflow UI to show the job.

Edit Job

To edit a job, go to the Scheduled Jobs tab, click on Edit button in Action column of the target job, the current configuration of that job except number of runs will be displayed in the configuration menu as default values. Change the configuration and hit on Confirm Edit button, the changes will be applied to the job.

Delete Job

To delete a job, go to the Scheduled Jobs tab, click on Remove button in Action column of the target job, the dag/vairable file of the related job as well as the records in the metadata db will be removed.